
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Food Fray: Inside the Controversy over Genetically Modified Food

More than ten years ago, the first genetically modified foods took their place on the shelves of American supermarkets. But while American consumers remained blissfully unconcerned with the new products that suddenly filled their kitchens, Europeans were much more wary of these “Frankenfoods.” When famine struck Africa in 2002, several nations refused shipments of genetically modified foods, fueling a controversy that put the issue on the world's political agenda for good.

In Food Fray, esteemed molecular biologist Dr. Lisa H. Weasel brings readers into the center of this debate, capturing the real-life experiences of the scientists, farmers, policymakers and grassroots activists on the front lines. Here she combines solid scientific knowledge and a gripping narrative to tell the real story behind the headlines and the hype. Seminal and cutting-edge, Food Fray enlightens and informs and will allow readers to make up their own minds about one of the most important issues facing us today.


Deep said...

wel, i thnk d acceptance among ppl mainly is determined by d politicians in d country nowdaz... being a biotech student nd hailing frm india, d country dat refused 2 accept d bt-brinjal (while readily acceptn d bt-cotton long bak...) i think d issue is based entirely on d economic outluk of d ppl of d country as 4 every developin country...

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